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3 Payment
Order summary
Money Back Guarantee is for Annual and Lifetime Memberships ONLY that were purchased on or after January 10th, 2024. To be considered for the refund the member must contact within 94 days of joining the program. Refunds for money back guarantee will be based on prorated amount remaining on balance of unused membership. For annual memberships the equation is ((purchase price minus tax paid)/12 months)times 9 months. This will be the amount of refund paid via check to member within 60 days of cancellation. To receive the refund the member must also participate in the group activities weekly for the first 90 days and have post engagement in the 6 Week Switch Private Group as documentation of such activity. All month to month memberships continue until the member cancels their membership on the website using the Manage Membership link in the footer of the Homepage. All memberships are for individual use and non-transferable.